Wednesday 27 February 2013


My mission is to help you make achieve success on the internet business. Then I got to work. Great news: if there isn’t a precise roadmap, there is a lighthouse guiding you to a higher level of strategic thinking and decision making.

This blog will help you redesign your career and life to achieve financial independence and success on your own terms. It can help you leave behind many of the compromises and frustrations that plague corporate life and start the transition from making your boos rich to enriching your own life instead.

While the media and many business blogs assume you need to be a software geek to succeed online, I believe you already have the credentials you need to build a profitable internet business. Obviously I can’t help everyone, because not everyone has talent to become rich, but I can help those who do and have the desire to start a profitable internet business.


Essentially, an Internet business is any business that offers products or services on internet. Potential customers visit your Web site and purchase your products online rather than by visiting a physical location. The Internet is also a marketing medium. Almost all the universal business and marketing principles that apply offline are applicable online. The few differences that exist between offline and online marketing come down to speed, cost, and ease of execution. Internet marketing is typically easier, quicker, and more cost-effective for average person.

You also need that the internet is an information highway, and this is one of the main reasons people go online. THEY WANT TO FIND INFORMATION THAT SOLVES THEIR PROBLEMS, EDUCATES THEM, or affects them personally. An information-based business is like any other business, except the product focus is primarily on intangible goods such as e-books, software, membership or service-based site, etc. In other words, we must to focus more on the marketing of digital as opposed to physical goods. What matters, though, IS NOT SO MUCH THE PRODUCT YOU ARE IT IN THE INTERNET. Whether you want to sell: E-books or, tennis shoes is nearly irrelevant in the long run. The important thing to understand is that Internet-based marketing is driven by information. Fundamental marketing principles apply, but they are executed in a slightly different fashion. We will talk more about the information aspect in subsequent chapters.


Every successful entrepreneur has at least some business training. This training may come from past jobs, educational courses, mentors, or simply from jumping in head first and learning along the way but there is always a time when training comes into play. Whether you are starting your first business or already have some experience under your belt, this E-book will train you in exactly how to research, create, and profit from an Internet based business from an information marketing perspective. Here is an overview of some of the things you will learn:

Ø  AUTOMATION – how do I place the majority of my business on autopilot so that it runs and makes money for me without too much additional work?

Ø  BACKEND – how do I create a “backend” system of additional offers that will boost my income and assist in the long-term profits and growth of my business?

Ø  DUPLICATION – how do I start a second or even third business so I can multiply my total income?

Ø  LEAD GENERATION AND FOLLOW UP – how do I capture prospects (potential customers) from my market onto an e-mail list? How do I present my offer to them once I have their attention?

Ø  MARKET RESEARCH – what are people looking for online? What do they want to buy?

Ø  MARKET SELECTION – which market will be easy to break into? Which market holds the most promise in terms of profit potential?

Ø  OFFER TARGETING – how do I position my offer correctly within the market?

Ø  PRODUCT SELECTION – which products can I deliver as solutions to meet market needs demand?

Each of the above represents core issues faced by every business (offline or online) but my E-book shows you how to tackle these issues as an Internet business owner.


As Robert Kiyosaki said: “Many people have dreams. Rich people have goals. So the question is, what is the difference between dreams and goals?

Recently, I attend a church service at the new Birth Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Giving the sermon that day was not Bishop Eddie Long. Instead, the sermon was delivered by Archbishop Vernon Ashe. The sermon had a power ful lesson on the power of process and goals.

Archbishop Ashe said, ‘Every goal has a process’. As he spoke I began to realize wh so many people who have dreams fail to have their come true. The reason is most people have dreams but do not focus on the process necessary to achieve their dreams. For example, many people want to lose weight. But what gets in their way of achieving their goal is the process of change in diet and exercise. So instead of achieving their goal, their dream of a healthier, more attractive body remains a dream.

The other day, I drove up to my gym in my Bentley convertible. A young woman walked out and said, ‘that is the car of my dreams.’

Thanking her for the compliment, I asked, ‘How do you plan on making your dream come true?’

Her replay was, ‘I don’t know. I guess I’ll just keep dreaming.’

And this is what Archbishop Ashe was talking about. His point was the process is as important as the goal… so any goal without a process is just a dream.

Many people, especially people with money problems, think that more money will solve their money problems. Instead of setting a goal, finding their own process – their own secret formula – and becoming a rich person… they buy lottery tickets, hope for a raise, get into debt keeping up with the Jones who are also deeply in debt trying to look rich, all the while dreaming of someday becoming rich person. The Archbishop’s lesson was that the difference between dreams and goals was the process… and in many ways, the process is more important than the dream or the goal.  

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